Hello and thank you for considering us.
Our professional and experienced staff are here to assist you.
Our starting quote to you is $600 (for our professional fees (only) ex gst). This is what our professional fees start at. Fixed inclusions are highlighted below.
We want to be as transparent as possible. Hence, we provide the below list of inclusions, as part of fixed professional fee.
So, our fees are $600 plus searches, disbursements and GST.
What we would expect for a straight forward, no additional work transaction to cost in total, is as follows
Buying End Price
House/Dwelling/Vacant Land - Established - (Title Issued)
Therefore our quote is based on
Professional Fee starting at $600
+ Searches/Certificates we have to order - $150 allowance
+ Our Pexa initiation fee $159
= All up estimate $999
Apartment/Townhouse/Flat with no owners corporation applicable
As above
Apartment/Townhouse/Flat with an owners corporation
As above but we may have to add an owners corporation search/certificate.
If so, you will need to allow between $220 ex gst as applicable.
This will include EVERYTHING listed in our inclusions further on. The exclusions are also listed further on.
Additional work if requested or required is not included in this estimate and a list of exclusions is contained further on.
Transfer of Names on Title
Transfers of Land between (names on title swap around) E.g. Husband/Wife/ Defacto & Defacto, Father/Son - etc start at $880 incl GST - Get quote here
Why not Call our office on 03 9603 0330 for one on one assistance during business hours.
Outside business hours, call for a Quote 0416726107 (Note SMS does not work)
Or just simply fill in below and email IF YOU WANT TO ENGAGE US. Don’t use this form if you have only a question or enquiry, call our office or use the following link for ‘General Questions’
ENGAGEMENT INSTRUCTIONS (I want you to start acting for me)
I wish to employ your service. The details are:
Javascript is required for form submission.
These estimates are based on what our professional fees start at, included searches we may need to by, attending a Melbourne Based Settlement location and no additional work having to be undertaken by us. A straight forward, simple property transaction. Gst is added to the final account.
$275 (inc gst) for a concise detailed information report on any property contract you would like us to review is available. With this we offer legal advice and suggestions in relation to the contract. Great for having a better understanding of what's in a contract and how it may affect you. Go with us for the conveyancing and we give $50 back on settlement upon request.
A FREE contract overview is also available which won't include legal advice. Call our office for details or more information.
This includes as required.
Preparation of one transfer of land.
Preparation of one duties online form.
Preparation of one Statement of adjustments.
Letters of initial instructions to you based on the information provided.
Email Correspondence to your lender and or broker as they request it.
Preparation for your settlement.
Notice of acquisition prepared.
Purchasing one title search for all of the above quoted estimations along with, purchasing a land information, a water information statement & a land tax certificate for House/dwelling/apartment/townhouse & flat transactions only or as required. Based on the average cost being $30 per certificate.
Attendance to Electronic Settlement (99% of settlements) based on a cost of $150
Minimum 30-day settlements. Quicker turn-around times are available upon request and clarification.
Not included in our quote
Searches and disbursements outside of the above estimation. All searches are cost plus margin of up to 400%.
Any work not referred to in the inclusions.
Additional work, IF requested by you, lender or broker. If applicable, charged on a time basis schedule. Eg Lease preparation, nomination, license agreements, caveats, grants or exemptions etc.
Stamp duties, registration fees and electronic workspace charges.
Nomination fees
Verification of Identity
Trust Account Use
Plus GST to all of above.
Full list provided with engagement letter.
We always try our best to advise at the time, if anything is not included in our quotation as its encountered if applicable.”
Each area of Melbourne and Victoria has different authorities and they all charge differently. Some less, some slightly more.
They may or may not apply depending on the transaction. Unfortunately, it's unforeseen at the start of a transaction.
Prices vary for settlements outside the Melbourne CBD.
Naturally we confirm everything in writing, with our first accompaniment of paperwork.
We then invite you to sign our ‘agreement’ confirming the quoted price as well as your details.
You can expect to pay for basic standard transaction from start till settlement (based on the above pricing and inclusions) for a simple, no extra work transaction. How much extra could I pay would depend on how much additional work you require. Again, if requested or required.
You can request at any time, an account balance! It's price plus parts is the best way to describe our quotation.
Additional work is charged on a time charge basis at a fixed hourly rate, if applicable.
Currently this equates to $9 per minute with minimum 15-minute blocks charged excluding sundries.
Because this is an internet service the only reason the cost is lower than others, is because there is no office open, for you to walk into. Do I need to? There should be no physical need for your presence in our office.
Our initial documents to you will confirm the quote based on the information we have, along with our Costs Disclosure, Terms of Trade, known and or possible costs and charges as well as a list of inclusions/exclusions so you have it all in front of you!
A part payment will be required upon return of our documentation. Balance on settlement. No further work will be done till the part payment has been made along with return of completed documentation. Delays by you, could delay settlement.
We will email you all documents once we have the contract from the agent and or, obtain a signed copy of the contract from another source. We can't start till we have a copy of the contract, so it's important to move quickly now.
On return of your initial information, we shall email some more information to you which will include an agreement of our costs and so forth. Upon your acceptance via return, we complete under that contract to act for you.
Settlements shorter than 30 days can incur additional costs so enquire with us if you have a very quick settlement.
You NEVER need to come to us, we do everything via email, so it doesn’t matter if your local, overseas or interstate!
We hope we can help!!!
John Clarke
Conveyancing Victoria Melbourne
Licensed Conveyancing Company
Office Direct Ph: 03 9603 0330